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API Doc Generation

The following contains instructions on how to generate the Scala and Python docs for Xskipper.

Xskipper Python Docs

Xskipper Python docs are generated using Sphinx


pip install -U Sphinx
pip install mock

Local Changes

The doc configs are location in python/doc.

Make the needed changes to the python files and then create the HTML files using:

cd python/doc
make html

The results will be located under _build/html


By default the version that will be used is the version that is written inversion.sbt If you would like to change the version change it in the config file


To update the docs copy _build/html to site/docs/api/pythondoc/<version_number>.
For example:

cp -r _build/html ../../site/docs/api/pythondoc/1.2.1

Then update the index file to point to the new API documentation.

Xskipper Scala Docs

Xskipper Scala docs are generated using sbt doc

Generate the docs

Run the following:

sbt clean compile package
sbt doc


To update the docs copy ../../../../target/scala-2.12/api/ to ../scaladoc/1.2.1/ (assuming you shell is pointed at this folder).
For example:

cp -r ../../../../target/scala-2.12/api/ ../scaladoc/1.2.1/

Then update the index file to point to the new API documentation.