Attempts to translate a given clause using the given a sequence of translators by going over the sequence and searching for the first available translation.
Attempts to translate a given clause using the given a sequence of translators by going over the sequence and searching for the first available translation. if no translation is found return None
the return type of the translation (property of the metaDataStoreType)
the type of the metadatastore to which the clause will be translated
the clause to be translated
a sequence of ClauseTranslator to be used when searching for translation
the clause translation or None if the given factories cannot translate the clause
Attempts to translate a given metadataType using the given a translators sequence by going over the sequence and searching for the first available translation.
Attempts to translate a given metadataType using the given a translators sequence by going over the sequence and searching for the first available translation. if no translation is found return None
the return type of the translation (property of the metaDataStoreType)
the type of the metadatastore to which the metadataType will be translated
the metadataType to be translated
the index that created the metadataType
a sequence of MetaDataTranslator to be used when searching for translation
the metadataType translation or None if the given factories cannot translate the metadataType